Indian cheese is a rich source of calcium. This helps in building strong teeth and bones.
This could also be served as a good replacement of rabri. It tastes awsome.
Milk - 3/4 litre
cornflakes - 2 tbsp, powdered
Dry fruits (whichever you like) - 3 tbsp
Sugar - 100g
Mix maida with paneer, make small balls and set aside. Heat milk in a pan, bring to boil and boil it for 5 minutes.
Add paneer balls and sugar in the milk and let it boil for another 15 minutes. When milk reduces to half, add powdered cornflakes. Boil for 2-3 minutes. Cool it. Add dry fruit on the top. It is ready to eat. Yummy !!!
I am also sending this post to authentic indian sweets

I am also sending this post to authentic indian sweets